
Jan 2, 20193 min

5 Healthy Habits to Embody in the New Year

Happy New Year, sisters! While many of us are setting new intentions and goals for the New Year, there are five healthy habits that I feel all women need to hear and embody with the new year.

The New Year provides a new beginning for all of us. Many of us feel re-inspired and reignited with the New Year so let’s take this excited energy and apply it to these healthy habits!

- 5 Healthy Habits to Embody in the New Year -

1) Practice regular self care

Make yourself a priority in the new year and practice regular self care! Self care can include things like hot baths, space to journal, walks in nature and treating yourself to a massage, but self care is also saying no to things that do not serve you and being clear about the things you stand for. Whatever form your self care takes, begin to weave that into your weekly routine. You deserve time to rejuvenate and rest.

2) Be unapologetic about your boundaries

With the New Year it’s time to reflect on the people in your life and if they contribute or take away from you and your life. A common misconception about boundaries is that they are unnecessary or cruel but in reality, the exact opposite is true. Now is the time to set firm but loving boundaries with people who do not have your best interest in mind. Whether it’s a co-worker, a sibling, a partner or a friend, know that it is okay to have boundaries.

3) Say HELL YES to the things that inspire you

Make this the year that you live fully and unapologetically. If you feel called to do something, follow through with it and see what happens! Before you let fear creep into your decisions, ask yourself if it’s a hell yes. Like many incredible coaches in the world say, if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no! This could apply to new opportunities, dating, travel and business decisions.

4) Tune into your body and honor what she needs

While there’s nothing wrong with setting the intention to eat better or work out more often, I think a better intention is to honor your body and what she needs. By living connected to your body and honoring what she needs, you’ll likely find that you eat better and get more exercise. Rather than focusing on the number on the scale or how many grams of carbs you ate today, ask yourself how you feel. If you feel sluggish one day and feel like a run is exactly what you need, fabulous! Go for it! If you feel tired during your menstrual time and don’t feel like working out, honor that! If you are craving a big green salad, enjoy it.

5) Invest in yourself

Allow the new year to be the year you invest in yourself and your personal growth. If you’ve always dreamed of becoming a yoga teacher, take the plunge and do it! If you have been eyeballing an amazing course or seminar, see this as an opportunity to better your life. If there’s a retreat that calls to your soul, trust that all will align for you to be there. Let go of guilt or limiting beliefs and instead tune into what you desire to do and create in this new year! As someone who invests thousands of dollars a year into seminars and trainings for myself, I can vouch for how life changing they really are.

What are you committing to do this year? We’d love to hear about it! Comment below!

With gratitude,


#healing #divinefeminine
