
Apr 1, 20183 min

Full Moon in Libra March 31st, 2018 ~ The Balance of Transformation

On March 31st, 2018 the moon waxes to her fullest point as she opens into the Full Moon. Aligning in the sign of Libra and just a week after the Spring Equinox, balance is the theme of this sacred moon time!

If things are feeling chaotic, imbalanced or ever shifting for you, you are not alone! As we emerge from the winter months and set new intentions for Spring, it can be really easy to lose focus and scatter ourselves.

The Spring Equinox about a week ago brought up the energy of change, transformation and growth for each of us and as we all set intentions and goals for this cycle of the year, we may have abandoned self care practices that we maintained during the winter months or let go of our needs for space to reflect and be still.

This commonly happens during the Spring and so we are being reminded to remain balanced and tune into the Libra energy.

Libra is an air sign that holds the energy of balance, justice and alignment. As you sit here now, can you reflect on the theme of balance and see if that feels authentic in your life? Do you feel balanced in your life? Do you feel you are moving through life with alignment and justice in mind?

While the Full Moon is typically our most extroverted and active time as women, we are being pulled to be introspective and allow this light of the moon to illuminate the things we need to see in our lives.

Is there anything you are willing to shift in your life to bring more balance and ease?

Where are you open to change?

If you find your energy feeling scattered or overwhelmed, return to your heart and see if the things you are doing are cultivating more balance or imbalance in your life.

Mercury is also retrograde right now which means that things like communication may experience some difficulty. Many astrologers say that during Mercury in Retrograde, large plans or deals should be avoided since communication and electronics may be affected. You may be feeling some imbalance in your life from this shift.

While some may feel Mercury in Retrograde is a really intense and even bad time, I think this provides us with the opportunity to look within, get clear on what we are communicating and actively do the work to overcome these hurtles. See our blog post on How to Thrive When Mercury Goes Retrograde here.

If you can, get outside during the Full Moon and soak up the healing light! You can also set your crystals outside to recharge under the moonlight.

This is your time to return to balance, to find clarity, to express gratitude for all of your blessings and to move forward in alignment with your soul path.

You are supported during this time. Trust.

In lunar gratitude,

Cassandra +


Other Sacred Announcements ~

-The beautiful Meadow of MeadowExpressions has extended an incredible coupon code that we are excited to share with you all! Make any purchase over $65 and put in the code 'Transform' at discount to receive a gorgeous amethyst cluster for FREE! These amethyst clusters are absolutely magical and valued at $20+ each! There are a limited amount of these clusters so if you have been eyeing her gorgeous jewelry already, now is the time to order!

Browse her magical crystal shop here

-Our Embodied Wisdom sacred online moon immersion begins April 9th! Reserve your spot soon for this sacred 4 week journey as we dive into the wisdom of the moon and the Divine Feminine! We also just announced a giveaway for this next round so if you want to enter to win a FREE spot in the training, enter here!

-If you are looking for a weekend to rejuvenate and reconnect to the wild woman within, join us in Arizona later this month for a sacred Goddess Retreat! Our Arizona Goddess Retreat will allow you to rejuvenate, connect with like minded sisters, nourish your body with healing organic food and learn powerful practices of the feminine! See more details here!


#fullmoon #mercuryinretrograde
