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New Moon in Leo August 2020: Fiery Freedom

Happy New Moon, sister. This fierce new moon may have been intense, but its wisdom is profound and needed. Grab your nourishing womb meditation here if you're in need of some good self care in your life.


New Moon in Leo

18 August 2020

10:41PM EST

Fiery, fierce and emotionally charged: this new moon in Leo drew deep healing to the surface.

Perhaps the last few days have been raw or sprinkled with old fears, past patterns, inner shadows or deep introspection. This Leo new moon certainly went DEEP.

And yet, there is a sweetness to the healing experience. Through the journey of trudging past the shadows and wounds, we also find that these holes also allow for the light to come in. We may find ourselves feeling a cathartic release on the other side; dancing with the light and the dark.

In a profound and bold way, this new moon has resurfaced many patterns and stories yearning for healing. It has called us to sit in the darkness of the moon and reflect, be still and listen. And while it may be uncomfortable - perhaps even wildly uncomfortable - it is also the teacher of freedom.

To free ourselves from the grief, hurt and fear we have carried on our shoulders, this new moon grants a space to see it all and then finally be freed.

Empathy here will be essential to kindly hold yourself through this process. Release any ideas that healing is *supposed* to look a certain way, work on a specific time line or have a clear end result. Your process is powerful and will flow as is right for you during this time.

So are you ready to release? What do you feel is ready to be cleared?

This New Moon is deep and reflective, but Leo comes in to remind us that we are indeed brave enough, bold enough and powerful enough to heal. By loving and recognizing the shadow within, we also welcome in the light that comes with gentle support and healing.


3 Ways To Honor The New Moon in Leo

Journal + release

Especially if you've been feeling sensitive, raw or emotional, journal out the fears, stories and limitations you're rubbing up against. Let emotions flow as needed and notice the lightness that comes from awareness.

Practice "why"

If you find yourself stuck on a belief or painful experience, this may help. Write out what you're feeling in the present tense like "I feel sensitive and overwhelmed." Then, ask yourself why. Answer that question and then ask yourself why once again. Continue for at least 7 times. You may be surprised what this uncovers about your inner world. Approach with love and support.

Slow down

Everything in the stars calls you to be still. Journal, meditate, rest, sit in nature or lay outside to find a connection to self.


Also be sure to read:


You are enough. You have always been enough.

Let us know how YOU are tapping into this New Moon by tagging us on Instagram @goddessceremony or join the GoddessCeremony Sisterhood on Facebook.

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1 Comment

Aug 26, 2020

The time when the moon grows corresponds to a turn of wax, when the moon can be considered as a crescent. This is the phase of the new moon, and it lasts about a week. This period is considered the most favorable. This symbolizes new beginnings and development. gives some general and specific recommendations on what to do and what not to do in Waxing Crescent Moon.

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