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Full Moon in Scorpio May 2020: Lifting the Veil

The veils are lifting and we are returning home. Carve out some nourishing time for yourself over the coming days. Find connection and support by tuning into the GoddessCeremony Podcast with your next walk in nature or hot bath.


Full Moon Scorpio

May 7th, 2020 at 6:45 AM EST

Powerful, wise guidance comes to all of us with this Full Moon in Scorpio. Like a tide sweeping away the old to welcome in the new, we are invited to change perspectives, find greater awareness and ultimately, seek truth.

With so much change and uncertainty present over the last few months, we feel a sense of stillness in this moment and a heightened emotional intelligence to see beyond the obvious. No longer are we hiding in fear; now we lift the veil and choose to see what exists on the other side.

Deep emotional healing is occurring. The Full Moon draws out of us the power and potential to recognize our own truth and live from a place of inner knowing vs. external validation. If you've felt your intuition sparked to life recently or massive wells of emotion peak, you are in the process of deep healing beneath the surface.

Communication may feel all over the place right now with this Scorpio Full Moon. Notice patterns of miscommunication, reactivity and avoidance and choose to bring them into the light. Allow yourself to take a step back from any encounters and see the bigger picture before responding. Without this awareness, explosive arguments and deep emotions may arise.

With high emotions and a blossoming of intuitive guidance, our inner world is certainly magnetizing our outer world. Claim emotional intelligence and choose to recognize how your internal feelings are materializing into your outer world. Imagine unveiling old patterns, stories, habits and fears with love and embodying that which you seek to BE. Revealed and exposed, they can be transmuted.

Lift the veil and choose to find power in truth. Your body and intuition know truth so move forward in the direction of your gut feeling. From that space, you are always guided.


Here are three ways to feel this powerful Full Moon:

Sit outside and let the moonlight unveil it all

Tonight find a soft spot outside to rest and watch the moon. Imagine the moonlight bathing you and revealing the things you need to see and know. Your intuition will come to life with this practice, so be willing to listen to your inner guidance.

Consciously communicate

If something has been bubbling beneath the surface and causing conflict, consciously communicate what needs to be said. Recognizing the power in clear, kind communication, find resolution with relationships that have felt challenging or out of harmony.

Mourn what needs to be released

Emotions are likely flowing for many of us - let them continue to flow. Journal what is heavy on your heart and then choose to soften. See what things are no longer resonating and find wisdom in releasing them. Mourn, cry and move this emotion. From the newfound feelings of lightness, move forward intuitively.

Other ways to celebrate:

-lay your crystals outside with the full moon

-make a full moon bath salt and enjoy a luxurious bath

-tune into the GoddessCeremony Podcast and get inspiration

-make a nourishing herbal tea to regulate your cycle

Let the light shine in and discover what lies beneath the surface. Tag us on Instagram @goddessceremony and share with us what you're doing to celebrate this sacred moon time.

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