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  • Sarah Del Rey

11 Easy Self Care Practices To Start Doing Now

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

Let’s talk about self-care! We all need and love having time for self-care. But sometimes, we may not take the time to practice self-care because we think we need a lot of time to do so. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how long you have, you can and should always make time for self-care!

When we think of self-care we think taking a spa day or vacation and those are nice but not always realistic at the moment. Self-care can be easy, simple, and something you can incorporate into a busy life.

Here are 11 easy self-care practices. And trust us, you have the time! Self-care should be a priority. These are super simple self-care practices that you can sprinkle in anytime, not just a massage or bath.


- 11 Simple Self Care Practices -

1~Stretch, go for a walk, or dance

Simply put: just move your body! Turn on some good music, have an impromptu yoga sesh in your living room or simply get outside and go for a walk.

2~Unplug from social media for a while

Take a break from scrolling and instead focus your attention and time on something that really bring you joy and inspiration.

3~Go outside, be in the Sun

Vitamin D is nourishing for your skin health but also your emotional health as well and can also boost your immune system. Get outside for a few minutes each day!

4~Journal to release your thoughts

Especially on those days when there's a lot going on in your mind, grab a notebook and find a comfy chair to start processing everything on paper. Just this is enough to make a huge difference in how you're feeling.

5~Listen to your favorite podcast~

Podcasts are great ways to learn new information AND find inspiration. The GoddessCeremony Podcast is a great resource for empowering wisdom and inspiring stories (hey, we may be a bit biased but 150 five star reviews on iTunes says we might be onto something!)

6~Diffuse essential oils or light a candle~

Diffuse some lemon and spruce oil for a magical grounding blend or light a candle and take a few deep breaths.

7~Enjoy a hot cup of herbal tea~

Pour a hot cup of red raspberry leaf tea or nettle tea for a nourishing tea that will balance your hormones and support your cycle.

8~Moisturize your skin~ With some organic jojoba oil or Shea butter, gently rub it on your face, neck and chest.

9~Call someone you love~

Thinking of someone you love? Give them a call and tell them that you appreciate them!

10~Read something that interests you~

Find a new book that resonates or see our favorite 11 books here to start immersing yourself in divine feminine wisdom.

11~Make a vision board~ Cut out images that inspire you and post it to one place or go to and make your own online. Learn how to make a powerful vision board here.


Self-care improves your overall health. We must take care of both our bodies and minds. Self-care can look different for everyone, but the objective is the same, to feel good and take care of yourself! Making self-care a priority is essential to healthy living. When we take care of ourselves, we are able to more effectively take care of others. We are more efficient in our lives when we care for ourselves first. We hope this inspires you to add some simple self-care into your life! Let us know your favorite easy self-care practices!

Much love & light,

Sarah Del Rey

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