We honored to share this guest blog post by the lovely Renee Scheer on creativity and healing. Renee is a recent graduate of our Certified Sacred Women's Circle Creatrix Training. Please comment below and let us know your thoughts!
Beautiful woman, I have a secret to share with you. You are a natural born creator and you are one of the most powerful beings on the planet.
The current times we live in have been holding us back. Many women have lost their connection to their true creative power. Mothers may lose themselves as they care for their children, and powerful female executives may lose the connection to their womb space because they have embraced living in their male energies for far too long. We are human and we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We forget how powerful and creative we really are and we stop living with intention.
So how do we get back to living our true selves, in our creative power center? I am going to share my secrets with you.
Secret #1: Let go of your limiting belief that you are not creative. One of the things that pains me most is when I hear a woman say to me, “I am not creative”. I have asked myself often “What is it that makes one think they are incapable of being creative? What I have come to realize is that there is a great misconception about what creativity really means and that is where secret #2 comes in.
Secret #2: Creativity does not mean you need to be artistically inclined to draw, paint, sing, or build something. While in some cases it does correlate, creativity is about living from a place deep within you, connected to your divine source, and creating a life full of joy and passion.
Secret #3: Own it. Set the intention for yourself that there is no stopping your creative flow.
Secret #4: The key to blasting open your creative fire is to do the work and get moving. And what I mean by that is take 10 minutes, take 8 hours, it doesn’t matter, every day to doodle, sketch, draw, paint, color, dance, sing, write, etc. Express yourself deeply. This is the most important step. This is what gets your creative fire flowing. This is where your intuition gets really, really loud. This is where you connect to your soul space, your womb space.
I want to share something very important about secret #4. There is no right or wrong way to do this! It simply IS. Do whatever comes naturally to you. No one has to see it. No one has to watch you. This is your opportunity to connect with your divine feminine and be the wild and free goddess you are.
What I have learned from many years of practice is that with ANY form of artistic expression, a woman’s creative spirit will burst wide open. The laws of the universe simply won’t have it any other way.
Julia Cameron, author of the Artist’s Way puts it best, “Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy.”
I have provided an affirmation below for times when you might be feeling disconnected from your creative source. It’s important to remember that even though we go through ups and downs, everything you need is still right there inside you. It never leaves you. It’s always there waiting for you to remember.
“I am a powerful woman and a natural born Creator. My creative fire and intuition flow freely allowing me to live a passionate and joyful life. And so it is.”
~Renee Scheer
Soul Creatrix
About the Author~
Renee Scheer is an Artist, a Muse and a Certified Sacred Women’s Circle Creatrix. She is passionate about creativity and artistic expression and is a believer in magic. You can learn more about Renee at her website here: www.reneescheer.com