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How to Make an Anointing Oil for Ceremony + Women's Circles

Making your own sacred anointing oil at home is a fun and empowering experience. Whether you are wanting to make one just for yourself and your own personal ceremonies or if you are feeling called to make one for a women's circle or retreat, this guide will help you make a healing and nourishing anointing oil.

An anointing oil can be used in a number of ways. You can choose to make this oil solely for the purchase of anointing the pineal gland / third eye chakra or you can choose to make it a versatile healing oil.

Some women like to use their anointing oil as a perfume, ceremonial tool and on-the-go grounding tool while other women like to exclusively make their blend for sacred circles. It's up to you.

How to make a sacred anointing oil ~

You'll need:

-an organic carrier oil (we recommend jojoba oil, olive oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, rose hips oil, sunflower oil or almond oil)

-a variety of essential oils (we'll share a sample recipe below!)

-a glass dropper bottle (1/2 oz or 1 oz bottles are perfect)

-a sacred space

How to make an anointing oil:

-Set out your carrier oils, essential oils and glass bottles

-Fill your glass dropper bottle at least 3/4 full with your carrier oil of choice. You can also blend oils together if desired. I sometimes like to use olive oil and jojoba oil together

-After your carrier oil has been added, you can then prepare to make your essential oil blend. Intuitively select oils that you feel will support your desired intention for this anointing oil. This is where it's important to know what you want the anointing oil to instill. Do you want this blend to be grounding? Calming? Uplifting? Ceremonial? Add 1 - 6 drops of each essential oil

-Close the bottle with the lid and shake well

-Allow to sit for 2 weeks or so. It will take about 14 days for the smell to fully mature but you can use the anointing oil in the meantime

Essential Oil Guide:

Grounding: spruce, balsam fir, Idaho blue spruce, cypress, patchouli

Ceremonial / Spritual: frankincense, hyssop, rose, myrrh, spikenard, cinnamon

Relaxing: lavender, ylang ylang, myrtle, geranium, juniper

Uplifting: grapefruit, lemon, orange, lemongrass, peppermint

Feminine: geranium, rose, lavender, sage

A sample anointing oil recipe:

-bottle 3/4 full of jojoba oil

-essential oils of sandalwood, frankincense, patchouli, spruce, lavender and rose

-flower essences of Star of Bethlehem and California Poppy

-leave out overnight in the full moon


If you'd rather purchase our sacred anointing oil, that is also available in the GoddessCeremony Store! Our anointing oils are made with a blend of organic carrier oils, clinical grade essential oils and are charged by the moon overnight. We also had flower essences to help create a potent and deeply healing anointing oil. Purchase an anointing oil here

Please comment below and let us know if you make your own sacred anointing oil at home!

In lunar gratitude,

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