On Wednesday, September 6th, 2017, the Full Moon reaches her peak in the sign of Pisces. This water-energized moon time is a perfect time to process old wounds and fully heal them as we step forward into a new level of consciousness.
Also known as the Corn Moon or Harvest Moon, September has always marked a time of harvest and bounty. The Fall Equinox aligns in just a few weeks and traditionally this was a time of feasting, gathering, community and connection.
The Full Moon is naturally a time of gratitude and celebration as we step into our highest selves. Just as the moon is fully illuminated, as are we and we have the permission to stand in this light.
Because this is a time of gratitude by the grace of the full moon and September full moon, this is a powerful time to reflect on the life you have. Can you fully extend gratitude to the life you have? What blessings have come your way?
Pisces also adds an energy of emotion, sensitivity and depth. You may be feeling things even deeper than normal or find yourself needing a good emotional release. Pisces encourages the emotions within us to free flow and so if you feel the need to do that, let it flow if possible.
This sacred full moon time reminds us that we are blessed.
And it also holds space for us to process remnants of the past before we move forward in our light. Pisces is deep and healing so make this full moon your time of deep healing and forgiveness. Remember that we cannot heal until we forgive.
Things have been shifting since the Solar Eclipse a few weeks ago and I believe we are coming to a point of full expansion very soon. But to do that, we must clear away the old and be willing to change and transform.
Here are 3 ways to celebrate this magical moon time~
1. Start a gratitude journal and begin to write down each day what you are grateful for. Or, you can choose to make this a ritual with every full moon. Read more about gratitude journals.
2. Create moon water beneath the sacred moon! Fill a glass jar with water (ideally spring water) and set the jar outside overnight. The moon will infuse lunar wisdom into the water. This water can then be consumed or use in ceremony. Learn how to make moon water.
3. D A N C E ! Find a playlist or a song that inspires you and allow your body to move and flow! This is such a powerful time to be active and in alignment with your body! Need an inspiring playlist? On Spotify, follow Cassandra Wilder and use any of our Ecstatic Dance playlists. Turn up the music and allow your body to move in any way that feels good.
We hope you have a nourishing + empowering full moon time!
With gratitude,
Cassandra Wilder + the GoddessCeremony Team